Hi, Coco!

Did you know that ADHD symptoms were first recognized back in 1781 by Dr. Alexander Crichton? The symptoms were formally recognized as a "medical condition" by a British pediatrician in 1902. Since then, people worldwide have researched and demonstrated that ADHD can begin early in life and continue into adulthood, yet some still believe ADHD is a "made-up" or a fake condition.

It's still common to hear people say things like:

  • ADHD isn't real; it's an excuse for being lazy!
  • Kids with ADHD need firmer discipline—then, they'll listen!
  • Bad parenting causes ADHD!

The last one is heartbreaking to hear as a parent.

Have you had a close friend, neighbor, or relative give you "advice" on how to handle your child with ADHD, implying that if YOU just changed your approach and did things differently, THEN your kid's ADHD would disappear?

Oh, if only it were that simple!

Although poor parenting doesn't cause ADHD, some interesting research shows that strict and inflexible parenting can exasperate ADHD symptoms— making life more difficult for the entire family. 

For ADHD awareness month this year, we have been working on a "mini-series" called ADHD Parenting Filters. We are addressing five ADHD truths that every parent needs to know. These filters have changed our lives and the lives of our clients. And we are excited to be sharing them with you.

Just like photographers use filters to enhance, soften, or improve their images, these Parenting Filters help us strengthen the relationship, ease ADHD symptoms, and improve our communication with our kiddos. 

As part of our community, we'd like to share this FREE resource with you. We will send you the link to the video we've created each week for the next five weeks. You will have access for 24 hours. These short videos contain practical information you can use immediately. 

Our first ADHD Parenting Filter is "Now, Not Now."

Click the link here to access.

Just five minutes of your time can make a world of difference in your relationship with your child.

We hope you enjoy!

Coco and Vicky