Hello Coco

Tonight is the 89th Academy Awards and I can't wait to hear those coveted words...And the Oscar goes to...hoping of course that my favorites win.

It got me thinking about the different roles we play throughout our lives.

And how our role of a lifetime is being "MOM."

Our role is not played out on a huge screen but in the day to day interactions with our children. And it it's not for a season but played out 24/7.

Wouldn't be great if every year we had a red carpet event and we were honored as "The Best Mom!"

We would have a full day of day, nails done, hair and makeup done. Then get to dress up in a fancy dress, have an amazing dinner and hear from our kids how much they love and appreciate all we did.

Wow! What a night that would be!

The reality is that being a MOM is a pretty thankless job... and we often forget to pause and feel great about all the things we do in this role.

So today...I want to HONOR you with "The Best Mom Award."

For your Wholehearted Devotion, Unwavering Determination, Endless Sacrifice, Eager Expectation, Undying Hope, Resilience, Warmth and Affection.

For doing this day after day, month after month, year after year...

For never giving up...for advocating, supporting, encouraging, and loving your child through thick and thin. Through every stage of their lives.

You are Amazing...

So Let's Celebrate!  Do something special for yourself- TODAY!  

As moms we often forget to take care of ourselves. I have learned that taking care of yourself(and treating yourself once in a while) is essential to being the best mom we can be.

Here are some ways to celebrate and stay energized in your role as a MOM. 

1. "Take Five"- build mini breaks in your day to pause and re-charge. Read a favorite quote, grab a favorite snack, listen to a favorite song, go for a walk, practice gratitude, do a mindfulness exercise...The more you do this throughout your day...the more energy you'll have at the end of the day.

2. "Cut"-remove negativity from your day. Surround yourself with individuals who understand and are supportive of your role as a parent. Raising a child with ADHD or "challenging behaviors" can attract all kinds of "experts" ready to tell you what you're doing wrong. 

Listen to your internal language...make a conscious effort to discard the negative, self-defeating words and phrases you hear. Replace them by acknowledging the positive, looking for progress, and being thankful. 

3. "Action"-Ask yourself this question: How do you want your kids to remember you? and How will they describe you when you're gone?  I don't want my kids to remember me as stressed out and worn out. Keep that in mind and actively choose things to help you stay healthy and happy.

Go out to lunch with a friend, plan alone time on the weekend, go to the movies, read a good book, get your nails done, take a yoga class, snuggle with your hubby...whatever makes you happy.

4. "From the Top"-Some days will be harder than others and we won't be our best. In these moments we have to "take it form the top."  Begin each day anew...and start by "taking five."



