Hi Coco,

It's Coco & Vicky here.

Can we be honest with each other? Like girlfriend to girlfriend for a minute?

We've talked to lots of parents recently, and one thing they keep telling us is…

"Parenting my kids is exhausting. I feel tapped out."

Can you relate? 

Here's what we've heard...

"I wish I could have one day of peace!"

"We fight about the same things over and over again!"

"How do I get my kids to listen without the constant power struggle?"

"I get so tired of it all that I find myself giving up, giving in, or checking out."

"I feel like a horrible mom. And I think to myself, if I were a good mom, this wouldn't be happening."

You too?

Us too. We've been there.

When we are stuck in power struggles with our kids, it saps our energy and leaves us discouraged and defeated.

And no one wants to feel like that!

So, Vicky and I have been working on a FREE Masterclass to help you break out of that cycle.

This is a bit personal to ask, but...

Would you be willing to share with us a situation that is causing arguments with your kids?

Maybe we can even address your specific situation (anonymously, of course!) in the upcoming Masterclass.

We always love to use real-life examples because they're so much more... REAL!

It'll just take 30 seconds. All you need to do is reply to this email.

Thanks for sharing and for trusting us.

Big Hugs!

Coco and Vicky


Thanks for your help. We will announce the dates for our Masterclass soon! Stay tuned!