Hey there,

Can I let you in on a little secret? When life gets overwhelming, and I need to catch my breath, you'll find me at the beach.

There's something about sinking my toes into the warm sand and listening to the gentle crash of waves that soothes my soul—it's like heaven on earth. And lately, it's become my go-to spot for reflecting on this crazy journey called motherhood.

You see, my sons are scattered across the globe—Japan, Italy, and LA. And let me tell you, every mile they travel feels like another lesson in "letting go."

From those early days when they clung to my every word to the excitement of their first day of school and the whirlwind of the teenage years, it's been one heck of a ride.

But now, as they spread their wings and embark on their own adventures, I'm faced with a bittersweet reality. The distance may be vast, but so are the love and pride I feel watching them carve out their paths.

Through it all, I've realized that "letting go" isn't just about loosening our grip—it's about embracing change.

It means releasing "control," confronting my fears, and redefining my expectations. 

Just as the waves return to the shore, we too must repeatedly choose... 

To grant them greater autonomy to make choices and grow from their triumphs and setbacks.

To confront our fears and have faith in their strength and capacity to overcome life's obstacles.

To empower them to define success on their terms.

Honestly, I've learned that letting go isn't a choice; it's a given.

So, my friend, where do you stand in your journey of "letting go"? What lessons have you learned along the way?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories as we navigate this wild and wonderful adventure together.

With love and gratitude,
